● すりおろしたての生姜 テーブルスプーン1杯
● レモン汁 レモン1/2個
● マヌカハニーまたは生蜂蜜 テーブルスプーン1杯
Lots of Love, Erica
出典1:Imanishi, Nobuko & Andoh, Tsugunobu & Mantani, Naoki & Sakai, Shinya & Terasawa, Katsutoshi & Shimada, Yutaka & Sato, Miyuki & Katada, Yuko & Ueda, Kyouka & Ochiai, Hiroshi. (2006). Macrophage-Mediated Inhibitory Effect of Zingiber officinale Rosc, A Traditional Oriental Herbal Medicine, on the Growth of Influenza A/Aichi/2/68 Virus. The American journal of Chinese medicine. 34. 157-69. 10.1142/S0192415X06003722
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出典3:P. Kaushik and P. Goyal, “Evaluation of Various Crude Extracts of Zingiber officinale Rhizome for Potential Antibacterial Activity: A Study in Vitro,” Advances in Microbiology, Vol. 1 No. 1, 2011, pp. 7-12. doi: 10.4236/aim.2011.11002
出典4: Chang, Jung & Wang, Kuo & Yeh, Chia & Shieh, Den & Chiang, Lien-Chai. (2012). Fresh ginger (Zingiber officinale) has anti-viral activity against human respiratory syncytial virus in human respiratory tract cell lines. Journal of ethnopharmacology. 145. 10.1016/j.jep.2012.10.043.
出典5:Teng, Yun & Ren et al. (2018). Plant-Derived Exosomal MicroRNAs Shape the Gut Microbiota. Cell Host & Microbe. 24. 10.1016/
出典6:Hu, M. L., Rayner, C. K., Wu, K. L., Chuah, S. K., Tai, W. C., Chou, Y. P., … Hu, T. H. (2011). Effect of ginger on gastric motility and symptoms of functional dyspepsia. World journal of gastroenterology, 17(1), 105–110. doi:10.3748/wjg.v17.i1.105
出典7:Zick, S. M., Turgeon, D. K., Ren, J., Ruffin, M. T., Wright, B. D., Sen, A., … Brenner, D. E. (2015). Pilot clinical study of the effects of ginger root extract on eicosanoids in colonic mucosa of subjects at increased risk for colorectal cancer. Molecular carcinogenesis, 54(9), 908–915. doi:10.1002/mc.22163
出典8:Ozgoli, G., et al. (2009). “Comparison of effects of ginger, mefenamic acid, andibuprofen on pain in women with primary dysmenorrhea.” Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Vol. 15, No. 2: 129-132.
出典9:Khandouzi, N., Shidfar, F., Rajab, A., Rahideh, T., Hosseini, P., & Mir Taheri, M. (2015). The effects of ginger on fasting blood sugar, hemoglobin a1c, apolipoprotein B, apolipoprotein a-I and malondialdehyde in type 2 diabetic patients. Iranian journal of pharmaceutical research : IJPR, 14(1), 131–14
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