Erica Angyal
2004年から8年間、ミス・ユニバース・ジャパン公式栄養コンサルタントとして世界一の美女を目指すファイナリストたちに「美しくなる食生活」を指南。2015年からNHK WORLDの医療情報番組”Medical Frontiers”でプレゼンターを務める。栄養学、薬理学、生理学など予防医学における幅広い専門知識を駆使し、“内側からより美しく、心も身体もすこやかに輝く”をテーマに、ハッピーな毎日のための食とライフスタイルを発信している。
- 「あさイチ」(NHK)、「世界一受けたい授業」(日本テレビ)、「徹子の部屋」(テレビ朝日)、 「みんなの家庭の医学」(朝日放送)、「世界ふしぎ発見」(TBS)、「ホンマでっか!?TV」 (フジテレビ)等のテレビ番組をはじめ、雑誌、新聞、ラジオに多数出演
- 世界健康フォーラム、女性医療フォーラム他、自治体やメディア、企業主催イベントに多数出演
- 医療情報番組「MEDICAL FRONTIERS」(NHK WORLD)プレゼンター(2015年〜現在)
- オーストラリアPR大使(オーストラリア政府観光局)(2011年〜現在)
- ミス・ユニバース・ジャパン公式栄養コンサルタント(2004年〜2012年)
- 日本、オーストラリア、中国、台湾、韓国などの国と地域で著書や翻訳本を出版(2005年〜現在)
Erica Angyal is a nutritionist, health consultant, speaker, and author of 13 books on health and beauty. She is also the host of NHK World’s global TV program “Medical Frontiers” since February 2015.
Born in Sydney Australia, Erica graduated from the Sydney University of Technology in 2000 with a Bachelor of Health Science in Acupuncture, and was placed on the dean’s merit list for academic excellence in two consecutive years. She received her diploma in Nutrition from Nature Care College in Sydney.
Erica was the official nutritionist to Miss Universe Japan from 2004 to 2012. During that period, Japanese contestant Kurara Chibana became the first runner up in 2006, and Riyo Mori won Miss Universe in 2007. Erica has been featured in a myriad of newspapers and magazines, ranging from Nikkei Health and The Japan Times, to Vogue and Elle Japon.
Her bestseller, “Sekai 1 No Bijo Ni Naru Diet” was No. 1 in all books on Amazon Japan and was rated the No. 1 Food book in 2009 by Japan’s International Food and Culture Association. It was also the first ever diet book in Japan to hit the No. 1 ranking on ORICON. First released in 2009, it is now in its 22nd edition with 372,000 copies in print, and has been translated into Chinese, Taiwanese, and Korean.
Erica has been featured extensively on all major Japanese Television channels, including NHK’s “Asaichi”, Fuji TV’s “Mezamashi TV” and “Tokudane”, TBS’s “Osama No Brunch”, TV Asahi’s “Tetsuko no Heya”, and was featured on NTV’s enormously popular “Sekai Ichi Uketai Jugyou” four times.
Erica’s greatest passions are the areas of preventive nutrition and holistic anti-aging strategies and she has made it her life’s mission to empower and inspire people to maximize their health, happiness, beauty and well-being “from the inside out”.